Monday, October 4, 2010

The whole world is developing. There are some countries which have developed faster than the others. The UAE was one of these countries which showed a recognizable development in the last thirty years. In this essay I’m going to compare and contrast life in the UAE in the past and in the present.
There are many aspects which are similar between the two periods. The first similarity is that in both periods the same Arabic people are using the same language. In the past the number of educated people was lower than the present which is reaching 90% of the UAE citizens. The students are going to schools and colleges to study as opposed to the past where they used to go to the mosques, but in both situations people are/were willing to learn as much as they can/could.
Although there are many similarities between the two ages, there are some identifiable differences between them. One of the differences is that people used to live in extended families, whereas nowadays nuclear families are more common. People used to live in houses built with clay and stones, but nowadays they are living in high-rise buildings and villas.
As we can see, there are obvious similarities as well as differences between the past and the present. In my opinion, the present is much better than the past. I really hope that my country will keep developing, so my kids will get a better style of living.

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