Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Compare and contrast living in a small town or village with living in a big city

Compare and contrast living in a small town or village with living in a big city
Always a small town or village is quieter than the big city. There are big differences between a small town and big city. In this essay I will compare the differences and similarities between living in a small town and living in a big city.
First of all, there are similarities between living in a small town or village and living in a big city. These days there is no difference between the hospitals and schools in a small village or a big city. Also, in both you can find shops and all the requirements and necessities of living.
Secondly, there are more differences between living in a small town and living in a big city. In a small village everybody knows each other whereas in a big city few people know each other. Small villages are full of joy, passion and color. In a big city there are a lot of buildings, towers, malls and wide streets. But all these things are not seen in the small town. In a big city the roads are crowded and this causes the air to become unhealthy. But in the small town there is no traffic and the weather is healthy.
Finally, nowadays there is no big differences between living in the small town is better than living in a big city because it is cleaner and healthier.   

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