Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to use ATM

The ATM is a very important and easy machine to get money. In this essay I will describe how to use an ATM.
First of all, the ATM is a very important machine and you can find it everywhere. Now I will talk about the steps for using an ATM. First, insert your debit card and to be sure to look for a picture to see which way the card should be facing when you insert it. Second, choose a language; once the card has been inserted you will have the option to select Arabic or English. Thin, enter your Pin;  you will need to enter the personal identification number (pin), which is a four-digits number that protects against others using your card. Next, choose a transaction. At this point you are faced with a few choices. Since you want to take cash out we will choose withdraw. After that, choose an account; you may have more than one active account. In my example you will choose checking to remove funds from your checking account. After that, select an amount; after selecting the appropriate account your last steps is to choose how much cash you would like to take out.
Finally, collect items. All you need to do now is collect your receipt. We’re all done.
In my opinion the ATM is an easy machine. And it’s helping us everywhere, but make sure you don’t forget your card after you finish.

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